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Attacking Sodas!

A coalition of health groups is urging the U.S. Surgeon General to release a report on the health risks of drinking soda. The push comes as U.S. officials debate strategies to address rising obesity levels and a range of related health problems. “Once viewed as...

New PA Voter ID Card to Be Unveiled

The details aren’t final yet. But Pennsylvania election officials will soon unveil a photo-identification card intended to make it easier for voters to comply with the state’s new voter-ID law. The card is to be formally announced in the next few weeks and...

Obama Changes Tune on Entrepreneurs

Facing more bad news on the housing front and a surge in the polls by his Republican rival, President Obama changed his tune Thursday night about some roundly criticized comments that entrepreneurs don’t build businesses on their own. “I was saying the other day, we...

Record Number on Disability

A report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) finds that the already record-high numbers of Americans collecting government disability checks will continue to rise, further harming the program’s finances and making it harder for low-income Americans to find...