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Beware: Main Street Republicans Are Anything But

What do George Soros, labor unions and money-grubbing former GOP Rep. Steven LaTourette all have in common? They’re control freaks. They’re power hounds. They’re united against tea party conservatives. And they all have operated under the umbrella of...

Three Ways to Respond

There are at least three options in how conservatives respond to the election results: First, conservatives can take the Tucker Carlson, David Frum, and Bill Kristol approach by nominating even more moderate Republicans and shamelessly pandering to disparate...

Half Million Few Registered Voters

Numbers available Tuesday show Democrats outnumber Republicans by less than 1.1 million voters. That compares to the 1.2 million voter advantage Democrats held when President Barack Obama won Pennsylvania in 2008. Political scientist Christopher Borick of Muhlenberg...